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So I've been busy for once with freelance work and tomorrow I start an internship over at Myspace so there is going to be even less time to devote time to the worst blog in the world.
An art show Smolik and I thought up probably about 8 months ago got picked up by Josh over at Sleeping Giant Gallery so I'll be busy making my contributions for that. Josh asked that we take photos of our process for him so as I do that I'll post them on here.
For now here is a peak at the game board which I was hired by Design Pilot to help do the iconic illustrations for. The game should be on shelves early this year.
Get Going and go have a look at this great new Toronto based site.
Maybe ill get some work up on there with this blog based advertising?
Who knows?...Cody?
PS. More work up soon.
So like I was saying before I have been pretty busy with design work for the last few weeks.
One of the things I'm most stoked to be working on is the new re-birth of the Punk Ass Canuck clothing line.
The Frenchman is doing it for the right reasons which makes it extra fun.
If you don't know about the P*A*C Army hit Steph up on Myspace to see what its about!
Heres a little snippet of some concepts we are playing with.
His plan is to get the new merch out in core skate shops by the end of December so keep em pealed!
I've also been working on illustrations for a board game, a logo for an egg company and the new Born to Busk website that will be up and running early December. Check em out on Myspace until then!
Listen to Elvis,
So for once I have been swamped with some freelance design work, hence the lack of updates. Sorry but I'm trying to make a living.
Annnyways, I have been getting some slack from a few of you fools so I'm going to do two updates today.
This gem is a Fred Durst interview on Tom Greens show. Probably the funniest thing I have seen in a while... Also probably the most sad thing I have seen in a while because I feel like I can relate to a lot of what he says.. Theres also a good chance I'll end up looking like that too.
So recently I had the opportunity to be a part of the Keep a Breast and Lifetime Collective collab art show/fundraiser that Spearmint Pelican hosted down at their HQ in Liberty Village. They did about 25 casts of different women (and one man's) breast region and asked a bunch of different local artists to customize the casts any way they like (They were then auctioned off to raise money for Breast Cancer). I was lucky enough to be one of the artists to do so. The event was a great success thanks mostly to Miss Andrea Ciccone and her friends who organized the whole event.
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the cause!
Here is my cast and the subject who was plastered so I had a cast to paint. Thank You.
Can't even begin to say how hyped I am to see this movie. The next illustration I do is going to be B I G inspired.
January 16th is the day.See ya'll at the cinema.